Using the cooking your pots as an oven.
I have a steel frying pan which just fits inside my steel cooking pot. I use stainless steel cooking equipment to do this. You may use aluminum pots, but I’ve never tried it and I don’t know if they will take the heat of an open fire.
Lay tree even sized stones in the bottom of the cooking pot and place the frying pan (or any suitable kettle) on top.
Place the item you want to bake in the frying pan, set the lid on and place it in the fire, or more preferable, on the coals.
Baking time for bread is about the same as in your home oven. But check frequently to avoid burning the item baked.
The pots will get discolored. If this is an issue, don’t use this method. I do not have a problem with this. Pots should IMO be used.