Kit lists from some of my trips
I add a kit list to this web site to show what I usually carry when out in the woods. And even more important, what I actually used (I know this from only a few trips as I was smart enough to write it down for later use).
Learning to pack light is an art (wich I still don`t master).
I have left out my clothing from this list as you will wear something anyway. The outdoors clothing is not much different in weight than my everyday clothing. In fact 20 years ago and beyond everyday clothing and woods clothes was the same.
Clothes mentioned in the lists are extras, carried in the rucksack. Items like matches and lighters are also left out as they are carried as everyday items anyway.
One night in Sørfjorden. September 2008.

Light to moderate rain, wind (strong at night), temperature was about 5-6° Celsius. The distance in to the camp was about 4.5 kilometres in fairly flat terrain.
Kit I had with me
Rucksack (Norwegian army)
Jerven tarp
Woolen blanket
Sleeping mat, foam, closed cell.
Tarp (old tent cover)
Sweater wool
Ekstra clothes:
- Socks wool
- Shemagh
- Knitted wool hat
- Gloves wool
Cooking pot (Coleman set).
- 0.5 kiloes of coffee.
- 0,5 kiloes of bacon
- 0,5 kiloes of flour
- 150 grams coarse salt
- 100 grams of raisins.
- 100 grams of chocholate.
Compass and map
Candle lamp
Folding saw
Pipe and tobacco
Belt with knife and wooden cup
My firebag (see Fire page)
Axe (hunters axe from Wetterling)
Crook knife (homemade)
Journal with cover
Norinco JW-20, calibre. 22, auto rifle with silencer.
150 rounds of subsonic ammo for the rifle.
Total weight: 17.0 kiloes
Things I didn`t use
Candle lamp
Ekstra socks
Besides, the rifle was with me just for fun and not necessary at all. I used it a little both in the evening and morning. Sitting in your shelter plinking is quite fun.
Overnight trip in Heggmoen area, May 2007.

This was only to try out my Hennesy A-Sym hammock. Only 1 kilometer walking to the camp ground. Weather was fine, about 5-6 degrees Celsius. A little hail and sleet at night as the temperature dropped to around zero.
Kit I carried:
Rucksack. Alice pack, large.
Hennesy A-Sym hammock.
Coffee pot.
Woolen sweater.
Sleeping bag. Ajungilac Igloo.
Knife (Helle skarping).
Army canteen.
500 grams of coffee.
Dried meat.
Total weight: 7,5 kiloes
Everything was used. And I missed my sleeping mat as I got cold on my back during the night.
Sørbotn trough Forkledalen to Norddalen, Hinnøya.

Weekend fishing-, recreational trip late July 1987. Distance walked in total was 13 kilometres (by air) in pretty steep terrain. Temperature was between 10-20° Celsius. I was together with 3 friends on this trip.
Kit I carried:
Rucksack 70 litre, external frame.
Sleeping bag (mummy type, unknown brand).
Closed cell foam mat
Wool sweater.
Gill net.
A fishing rod with reel.
A box of fishing lures
1 otter board with line and fishing flies.
1 roll of toilet paper
Knife (8 inch Strømeng).
- 1 loaf of bread
- 500 grams of butter
- 200 grams of salami
- 500 grams of coffee.
Map and compass.
Total weight: About 14 kiloes
Drakvatnet July 1986.
Fishing trip, duration, two nights. Distance to the spot was 3 kilometres. Steep terrain the last km, about 300 meter climb (real distance from home was about 8 kilometres as I used a bicycle to get to the starting point). This was a trip together with a friend.
Weather was good. Temperature between 15-20 degrees celsius.
Kit I carried:
Rucksack 70 liters, external frame.
Sleeping bag (mummy type, unknown brand).
Extra wool sweater
Knife (8” Strømeng).
1 roll of toilet paper.
2 gill nets.
Fishing rod with reel.
Box of fishing lures.
Coffee pot (aluminium).
Cooking pot (aluminium).
Friyng pan (aluminium).
- 1 loaf of bread
- 0.5 kiloes of margerine
- 250 grams of “spekepølse”
- Some bags of soup powder.
1 inflatable boat with oars (carried it half the way each).
Total weight ex. Inflatable boat: About 13 kiloes
Everything was used.